Ceramic Expert
Industrial Know-how
Standard Ceramic has developed a unique flexible production, which enables the production line to manufacture a diverse range of ceramic materials, tailored to meet the specific needs of the aluminum industry.
This adaptability ensures the production of both standard and custom ceramic products with different material, making Standard Ceramic a versatile partner for their clients.
In addition to its ceramic expertise, Standard Ceramic has extensive industrial know-how acquired through rigorous application and testing.
The company tests its products internally on furnaces and equipments manufactured by its sister company, LG Intelligent Equipment.
Through application feedback and continuous iterations, each product is developed to achieve optimal durability and performance.

Production Sites
and Officies
Production 1
#68 Shiyou Ave, Panjin, Liaoning, China, 124010
Production 2 (Equipment)
#43 Wanma Intelligent Park, Huzhou, Zhejinag, China, 313000
Production 3
#65 Heqiao Zhen, Yixing, Jiangsu, China, 214200
Office (Shanghai)
#3601 Dongfang Rd, Pudong District, Shanghai, P.R.China, 200125